Local Area
Village Website
Information about the village and surrounding area.
Footpaths & Cycleways
There are many wonderful footpaths and cycle ways within the Parish all of which are easily accessible by Rail from either Askam, Kirkby or Foxfield stations. More details can obtained from the Footpaths & Cycle ways group via the centre.
Local Services
- Moorlands Service Station www.moorlandservicestationcumbria.co.uk
- Duddon Valley Medical Practice www.duddonvalleymedicalpractice.nhs.uk
- Burlington School www.burlingtonschool.org.uk
- Grizebeck Service Station (Fuel) 01229 889 909
- Grizebeck Post Office www.postoffice.co.uk
- The Community Hall at Grizebeck www.grizebeckhall.co.uk
Local Pubs and Eateries
- The Ship Inn www.faceboook.com/The-Ship-1691-Kirkby-in-Furness
- The Commercial 01229 889 039 or visit on Facebook
- The Greyhound www.facebook.com/grizebeckgreyhoundinn
- Pam’s Café www.pamscafe.co.uk
Places to Stay
- Low Hall Farm B&B & Caravan Site www.low-hall.co.uk
- Longlands Holiday Park www.longlandspark.co.uk
- Bed & Breakfast also available at The Burlington Inn & The Greyhound
- Holiday cottages available via various sites