Kirkby Art Group
Do any of these apply to you?
- Have you found you needed more interesting things to do?
- Have you tried some art work and found you liked it?
- Tried some art work and found you were quite good at it? (You could come and show us
how to do it!) - Found you would have liked some help? (We all help each other anyway and have a laugh
when it goes wrong) - Would have loved to have a go but didn’t have any materials.
If you have never done any drawing or painting but would like to try, we can help. We can show you some of the basics and provide you with some materials until you decide if you want to carry on and buy your own.
Why not come and visit us… even join us for a coffee when we start again and see what we do.
We meet on Monday mornings 9.30-11.30am.
Kirkby Ladies Guild
We are a group of ladies that meet on the first Wednesday of each month.
We have varied speakers from a talk on Mountain rescues, to herbs and how to use them, make up, crafts, alpacas and pets for therapy. We have an outing once a year, garden meetings and also a Christmas Dinner.
We always finish our afternoons with a cuppa and chat with a raffle thrown in.
Kirkby Supper Club
Beckside Ladies’ Supper Club meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm. Meetings are held between the months of September to May (excluding January).
Entertainment is provided by speakers on a wide variety of subjects. These have included local history to travels around the world, crafts and demonstrations and occasionally a musical evening. A programme of events is printed ready for everyone prior to the first meeting. Supper is supplied by each person bring in a plate of savoury or sweet dishes to share. Tea and coffee is served by ladies on a rota. Membership is £2.00 a year and an entrance fee of £3.00 for members £3.50 for visitors at each meeting. This includes a free raffle prize.
Please come and join us.
History of Kirkby Group
Informal meetings take place in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm on the 3rd Monday of the month, except for August and December.
Other occasional meetings and trips may also be arranged. Details will be posted via the Kirkby Caller leaflet and the Kirkby-in-Furness Villagers Facebook Group. The History of Kirkby Group website can be found at
Parish Council
Kirkby Ireleth Parish Council holds meetings on the third Thursday each month (except September) at various locations throughout the parish, including the Community Centre.
Agendas and minutes will be posted on the Parish Council noticeboards.
Further information can be found in the Kirkby Caller leaflet, the Parish Council website or via e-mail to the Parish Council Clerk, Alison Field, at